"The tragedy of life is not that it ends soon, but that we wait so long for it to begin"

Friday, March 28, 2008


Was not Romeo’s love true and pure?
But for Juliet’s heart there was no cure.
Aeneas and Dido were two hearts one soul,
But God played the devils role.

It’s the destiny written or pure coincidence,
Stories fail with love immense.
Left behind is an elegy to narrate,
Separation of lovers is the ultimate fate.

There’s no answer for what true love is?
And to recount such story lives.
If you are in love you got to gain—
A broken heart and a life long pain


Anonymous said...

Great i loved it.I didn't knew you write so well good boss keep it up.......

Akash said...

Hey Pranab, thanks for your encouraging words. Hope will come up soon with something good. Keep visiting.